
The success of your business begins with an idea FIND OUT MORE
Inspiration: we offer a multidisciplinary workplace with everything you need. Our goal is to create partnerships with start-ups to improve Correos and society.
Innovation: always looking towards the future to adapt to change and break boundaries. 
Entrepreneurship: the best place to learn, connect and experiment.
Commitment: we have a team open to risk in order to discover what it’s capable of achieving in a real, practical way. We support your project to create effective, long-term ties.

CorreosLabs is a meeting point for innovation and entrepreneurship, where a great community of entrepreneurs, start-up and collaborators combine with our vast experience in creating new products and services for both Correos and society.

The main initiative of CorreosLabs was the Lehnica Challenge, where selected start-ups have developed concept tests along with Correos. A project that has enabled them to grow as professionals and entrepreneurs thanks to a customised support programme designed to meet their needs, tutored by Correos professionals who have promoted and guided the initiatives of each start-up within the corporation. The start-ups have also had access to the services of the CorreosLabs coworking space, specialised training and a €30,000 donation for each project.

And that’s not all! In our commitment to maintaining long-term relationships with the start-ups, we decided to become investors, depending on the results of concept testing and potential for collaboration.

So if you have a start-up and would like to collaborate with Correos, we want to hear from you! We can help you develop your business.