Data Protection Policy - Customer Form

1. Data controller

The data controller is "Sociedad Estatal Correos y Telégrafos, S.A., S.M.E." (hereinafter, "Correos"), with tax identification code A-83052407 and registered office at Calle del Conde de Peñalver nº 19 28006 Madrid (Spain).

To guarantee the appropriate management of this processing, Correos has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO), who can be contacted to any queries regarding the protection of your personal data at the following e-mail address: 


2. Purpose and legitimacy of processing

Correos will process your data for the following purposes:

A. Processing of the query, complaint or claim

Description of the purpose: The user's personal data will be processed for the query, complaint or claim and respond to the "Customer Form", as well as any other communication method employed by Correos or the user. 

Data processed for this purpose: name, surname, e-mail address and, where appropriate, company. 

In addition and depending on the nature of the enquiry, we will process the following personal data: 

  • Pick-up and Delivery Management: tracking no. or order no.
  • Financial Products. For enquiries concerning these products, the giro number, transaction number, MTCN or card number will be requested, depending on the financial product for which the enquiry is made.
  • Invoicing: where applicable, the tracking number, order number or invoice number will be requested. 
  • Technical Support: if the incident concerns: (i) Citypaq: tracking number or terminal number; (ii) the Correos website: tracking or claim number; (iii) Mi Oficina (Virtual): Mi Oficina user; (iv) the Correos App: app user; (v) cybersecurity issue: sender's email address.

The user guarantees that the data provided to Correos for the provision of the services requested are true and that it will notify any modification that may affect them. Consequently, the user shall be liable to Correos and third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of non-compliance with the obligations established in this clause.

All data marked with an asterisk in the form is mandatory.

Basis of legitimacy: The basis for this processing is the execution of a contract or the implementation of pre-contractual measures at the request of the interested party.

B. Comply with legal obligations

Description of the purpose: In compliance with the obligations attributable to it, Correos may communicate its data to the Public Administrations and Courts, provided that such information is required in accordance with the established legal processes.

Data processed for this purpose: For this purpose, the data necessary for the compliance of legal obligations will be processed in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Basis of legitimacy: The basis for this processing is compliance with a legal obligation.

C. Satisfaction surveys

Description of the purpose: Correos has a legitimate interest in knowing the opinion of users regarding its customer service and/or the resolution of queries.

To achieve the objective set out in the previous paragraph, Correos may process the data provided through the Customer Form and conduct satisfaction surveys both by telephone and electronic means.

However, you can object to receive this type of communications through the following:

  • - By ticking the objection box, which we provide you with when we collect your personal data. 
  • - Through deregistration mechanisms to be included each time a satisfaction survey is received 

Data processed for this purpose: the e-mail address of the user.  

Basis of legitimacy: The legal basis for processing your personal data  is the legitimate interests of CORREOS.

D. Statistical information

Data processed: Data provided by the user through different actions like:

  • Completion of the forms provided by Correos, such as name and surname, address, tracking code, reason for the claim/query.
  • The sending of private communications, addressed directly to Correos.

Description of the purpose: Correos will use this information, on an aggregate or individual basis, to understand the reasons for your enquiry/complaint from users and customers and to be able to improve the provision of its services.

Basis of legitimacy: The legal basis for processing your personal data  is the legitimate interests of CORREOS.

E. Data collection through the recording of agents' screens and subsequent anonymisation to analyse customer service processes

Data processed: The personal data collected through the contact forms sent directly by the interested party to customer services will be processed: identification data (name, surname, ID card number or other reliable identification document and signature) and contact data (telephone number and e-mail). Any other personal data indicated by the interested party in their communications addressed to customer services may also be processed.

Description of the purpose: Correos will collect the personal data described above through the recording of the screens of customer service agents during the provision of the customer service telephone service to proceed to its subsequent anonymisation and, following the analysis of the anonymised data, improve its internal processes.

Basis of legitimacy: the processing is necessary to satisfy the legitimate interests of Correos, with the aim of improving customer service processes by analysing anonymised data and achieving greater efficiency.


3. Type of data processed

Your personal data will be kept for as long as they are necessary for the processing of the query, complaint, or claim. Once this period has elapsed, the data will be deleted in accordance with the provisions of the data protection regulations, which implies its blocking, being available only at the request of Judges and Courts, the Public Prosecutor's Office, or the competent Public Administrations during the period of limitation of the actions that may derive from it to be subsequently deleted.


4. Your rights

Our data protection regulations give you a number of rights in relation to the data processing involved in our services which can be summarised as follows:

  • Right to access: if you exercise this right, you will be able to know what type of data we are processing and the characteristics of the processing we are carrying out. 
  • Right to rectification: if you exercise this right, you may request the modification of your data if they are inaccurate or untrue. 
  • Right to data portability:  if you exercise this right, you may obtain a copy in an interoperable format of the data being processed in the cases specified in the Law.
  • Right to restrict the processing: if you exercise this right, you may restrict the processing of your data in the cases specified by law.
  • Right to erasure: you may request the erasure of your data when the requirements set out in the Law are met.
  • Right to object:  if you exercise this right, you may object to the processing of your data in the cases provided for by law.
  • The right to withdraw the consent, if applicable.

You may exercise your rights through the following, indicating the right to be exercised and enclosing a copy of your National Identity Card or equivalent document and any other documentation you consider appropriate: 

a) Address: Calle Conde de Peñalver , 19, 28006 Madrid (Spain)

b) E-mail:

On the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, AEPD, you may find a series of forms that will help you to exercise your rights. We also inform you that you have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (in Spain, the AEPD) in the event that you consider your rights have been infringed, as well as to contact the Data Protection Delegate (DPD or DPO) of Correos at the following e-mail address: