Group company offers and promotions privacy

Sending offers and promotions from other Correos Group companies and third-party companies

If you give your consent, Correos may send you, through any electronic or non-electronic channel, offers and promotions from:

Other Correos Group companies that provide services related to the sectors of package delivery, added-value postal services, logistics, marketing and telecommunications.

Other companies with which Correos has entered into partnership agreements and that may belong to sectors such as telecommunications, finance, wholesale, healthcare or NGOs.

This commercial information may be generic or personalised. In the latter case it will imply the prior processing of your data in order to profile and characterise you and determine your tastes, preferences and needs, and, based on them, identify the offers that may be of most interest to you.

You may revoke your consent for free at any time and stop receiving new offers and promotions by indicating this via post to the address indicated above, by sending an email to or by contacting our customer service department. Additionally, you will be reminded of your right to revoke your consent in every commercial email you receive.